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Interstate 11 Corridor Tier 1 Environmental Impact Statement, Nogales to Wickenburg
Interstate 11 Corridor Tier 1 Environmental Impact Statement, Nogales to Wickenburg


Scoping and Alternative Selection

To initiate the study in 2016, public and agency scoping meetings were held to understand the scope of issues to be addressed during the study. In 2017, the alternatives development phase of the study incorporated this scoping input to develop a wide range of alternatives, with the goal of narrowing them to a reasonable range of alternatives to be studied further throughout the phases of the study. These alternatives represent both public and agency input and meet the corridor’s Purpose and Need. The reasonable range of alternatives evaluated in the Tier 1 EIS includes the No Build Alternative.

Draft Tier 1 EIS

The EIS analysis phase is a detailed analysis of potential social, economic and natural environmental impacts of the proposed corridor options. The Draft Tier 1 EIS documented this analysis process, and identified a Recommended Alternative and was presented to the public for review and comment from April 5, 2019 through July 8, 2019. The range of alternatives evaluated in the Draft Tier 1 EIS included the No Build Alternative.

Final Tier 1 EIS

The study team considered all comments received on the Draft Tier 1 EIS, conducted additional analysis, and coordinated with stakeholders to prepare the Final Tier 1 EIS, which identified a Preferred Corridor Alternative for I-11. The Final Tier 1 EIS was completed and made available for public review (Final Tier 1 EIS document ) July 16 through August 16, 2021. The range of alternatives considered in the Final Tier 1 EIS included the No Build Alternative.

All public comments and questions received during the Draft Tier 1 EIS comment period were addressed in the Final Tier 1 EIS and can be viewed in Appendix H5.

Record of Decision

After public review of the Interstate 11 Final Tier 1 Environmental Impact Statement and Preliminary Section 4(f) Evaluation (Final Tier 1 EIS), FHWA and ADOT issued a Record of Decision (ROD) that identified a Selected Corridor Alternative, which is a Build Corridor Alternative. The Selected Corridor Alternative is the same as the Preferred Corridor Alternative outlined in the Final Tier 1 published on July 16, 2021. The Selected Corridor Alternative is a 2,000-foot-wide starting point within which the proposed I-11 facility could be built.

The Selected Alternative will be implemented in smaller segments as funding is available. At this time, no funding has been identified to plan, design, or construct any part of I-11, including any Tier 2 analysis.

All agency and public comments received during the Final Tier 1 EIS public review period can be viewed in the report Correspondence Received on Final Tier 1 EIS available on the Documents page.

For more information on the environmental process, visit the Environmental Process page.


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