The Interstate 11 Record of Decision and Final Preliminary Section 4(f) Evaluation (ROD) was published on November 16, 2021. The signed ROD, approved by Federal Highway Administration, presents a Selected Alternative that is an I-11 Build Corridor Alternative. This concludes the Tier 1 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) study.
Tier 1 EIS Record of Decision (report body, no appendices)
All agency and public correspondence received during the Final Tier 1 EIS public review period is compiled in Correspondence Received on the Final Tier 1 EIS.
The Interstate 11 (I-11) Final Tier 1 Environmental Impact Statement and Preliminary Section 4(f) Evaluation (Final Tier 1 EIS) was completed and made available for public review July 16 through August 16, 2021.
In addition to the traditional Final Tier 1 EIS document, an interactive Final Tier 1 EIS is also available and can be accessed by visiting the following website:
Final Tier 1 EIS (report body, no appendices)
All comments and questions received during the Draft Tier 1 EIS comment period are addressed in the Final Tier 1 EIS and can be viewed in Appendix H1 through H8.
In the Draft Tier 1 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), the Build Corridor Alternatives were equally compared against a No Build Alternative. The Draft Tier 1 EIS considered possible effects that alternatives might have on a variety of social, environmental and economic resources, and evaluated their direct, indirect and cumulative effects on the surrounding environment.
The purpose of the Alternatives Selection Report is to document the development, evaluation and screening of corridor options for the I-11 Corridor from Nogales to Wickenburg. Through this process, a reasonable range of alternatives was identified to be carried forward into the Tier 1 EIS for further study. The Tier 1 EIS will assess a set of Build Corridor Alternatives (alternative corridors from Nogales to Wickenburg), along with the No Build Alternative.
This Agency and Public Information Meeting Summary Report documents the outreach process that FHWA and ADOT completed for the I-11 Corridor Study at the end of the alternatives analysis phase. It summarizes the methods, meetings and materials used to solicit feedback, as well as the comments and input received from agencies, tribal governments and the public during the comment period from April 28, 2017 to June 2, 2017. This report, in combination with the January 2017 Scoping Summary Report, documents the public input to the alternatives development and screening process.
Tier 1 EIS Annotated Outline and Methodology
The purpose of the Tier 1 Environmental Impact Statement Annotated Outline and Methodology is to describe the content and organization of the Draft Tier 1 EIS so the researchers, section writers and reviewers understand what information and level of detail to include in the document. It provides a general outline of the content of the Tier 1 EIS, along with key information regarding the approach to the analysis for each resource area.
Evaluation Methodology and Criteria Report
The purpose of the Evaluation Methodology and Criteria Report is to outline the overall approach for developing and screening corridor alternatives for the I-11 Corridor during the Alternatives Selection Report (ASR) phase. During the ASR phase, FHWA and ADOT will identify a comprehensive range of corridor alternatives that meet the Purpose and Need. They will also assess these alternatives through an evaluation process that uses public and agency input, as well as various topographical, environmental and other planning information to help identify opportunities and constraints. Ultimately, the screening process will yield a reasonable range of Build Corridor Alternatives that will advance into the Draft Tier 1 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) with a No Build Alternative for a programmatic-level environmental review.
FHWA and ADOT have developed the Purpose and Need Memorandum to provide background information on the evolution and planning context of the Interstate 11 corridor. It also presents the overall purpose of the I-11 corridor and outlines the factors that contribute to the need for a transportation facility within the corridor study area. The Purpose and Need is a fundamental part of the National Environmental Policy Act process and provides the basis for identifying, evaluating and screening corridor alternatives. It will be a key component in selecting a preferred corridor alternative or the no-build alternative for I-11.
The Scoping Summary Report documents the scoping process completed by FHWA and ADOT for the I-11 environmental study between Nogales and Wickenburg. The scoping process is in compliance with NEPA. The report summarizes the methods, meetings and materials used to solicit feedback, as well as the comments and input received from the agencies, tribal governments and public during the 45-day scoping period from May 23, 2016 to July 8, 2016.
Public Outreach and Agency Coordination Plan ; Addendum (Sept. 28, 2017) ; Addendum (Dec. 5, 2018)
The Public Outreach and Agency Coordination Plan identifies the outreach efforts that the Federal Highway Administration and the Arizona Department of Transportation will undertake during the environmental review process for the Interstate 11 Tier 1 Environmental Impact Statement. A key focus of the plan is to facilitate an understanding with the public, tribal governments and governmental agencies regarding the study process, key milestones and decision points.
The publication of the Notice of Intent in the Federal Register represents the official start of the NEPA process. The NOI was published for the Interstate 11 Tier 1 Environmental Impact Statement on May 20, 2016.